The Collectivist


mission statement

the collectivist is an independent media outlet curating voices in our communities on Chicago’s greater west side.


Paul Goyette is an activist and movement photographer in the Chicago area, where he has documented community struggle, street protest, political action, and grassroots organizing for the past six years. He is also the co-creator of Activist Toolkit and its voter guides for communities across the Greater West Side. Paul has a masters in public policy from the University of Chicago and worked in early childhood education policy before becoming a photographer.

Sydney Jackson, a dancer one year out of undergrad at the University of Chicago, is a quietly heroic mutual aid practitioner who you probably already know from their work in the community. They founded their own nonprofit in high school and organized thousands marching in the summer of 2020. They are skilled at building relationships locally, and have a wealth of stories from their deep roots in Oak Park.

Kamau “Maui” Jones brings great sensitivity as a facilitator and technical experience with podcasting. He’s an artist and serial collaborator whose big ideas have had a tremendous impact on our local community: Blues for Mister Charlie, Forest Park Against Racism, Everyday with Ella. 

Liz Lukehart is a Medill-trained journalist, attorney, and communications professional with experience in social innovation, environmental advocacy, native perennial gardening and sustainable agriculture.